“The Establishment of God’s Kingdom” – a lesson that reminds us that what we’re unable to do by our own power or reasoning, God is able to do. And this is why nothing will ever thwart His plans and purposes from being fulfilled.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band
“Tempted by Selfish Ambition” – a lesson on finding contentment in the Lord Himself and in His promises, particularly in times when we’re tempted to overlook sin that gives us some kind of gain.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“The King’s Desire for Peace” – a lesson on the way that the peace and unity of the church was foreshadowed by Israel under David’s kingship.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band
“Oaths and Vows” – a lesson on the importance of speaking truthfully, and speaking without trivializing God’s name.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“The Pursuit of Peace” – a lesson on the importance of waiting on the Lord, the consequences of growing impatient, and the way that God mysteriously works through people and circumstances to accomplish His purposes.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“Christ, Our Elder Brother” – a lesson on Christ’s humanity, and why His humanity matters.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band.
“The Peril of Worldly Ambition” – A lesson on the comparative differences between the way that God’s Kingdom and man’s kingdoms are established, maintained, and grow.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band
“Marriage, Sexual Immorality, and Divorce” – a lesson on God’s design for marriage, and on the enduring, persisting, forgiving love that Christians must strive to exercise in marriage toward an erring spouse.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band
“Faithful in Small Things” – a lesson in the way that God’s Kingdom advances in small steps, often with small beginnings, by the world’s standards, and how God is glorified by doing much with small, seemingly ordinary things.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson Band.
“Dealing With Death” – a lesson on dealing Biblically with the grief that often accompanies the death of a loved one, and the importance of clinging to the living hope that Christians have in Christ when we do grieve.
Music: “Take Me Deeper” by the Ken Ferguson band